Photography, The Cork Board

Dawn rises over the flood

It has been raining heavily, intermittently, for a few weeks now. When it does, the “Infant Thames”, as the trickling is known around here as it begins it’s journey east to the Big City and worldwide fame, becomes a stroppy bloated teenager for a while. Three of the four roads out of our village will… Continue reading Dawn rises over the flood

Photography, The Cork Board

Weekly Photo Challenge:Solitary

I was wandering the streets early one Havana morning when I saw this old man shuffling forward with his bag. I watched him until he found a doorstep to settle. He was selling newspapers. No-one paid him any attention - not even to buy a paper. He was clearly alone. I took his picture and… Continue reading Weekly Photo Challenge:Solitary

Photography, The Cork Board

Istanbul and the building that took my breath away.

One of the better aspects of living in Europe is that some of the worlds most charismatic cities are within easy distance. If you live on mainland Europe they are only a drive away. Berlin. Amsterdam. Florence. Rome. Milan. Barcelona. If you live in the UK there’s a stretch of water to navigate but we… Continue reading Istanbul and the building that took my breath away.

Photography, The Cork Board

The land of spaghetti westerns

So, as promised, some pictures of the holiday in "Spaghetti western" land. These are not particularly artistic but give you a flavour of the countryside around Almeria. In 1964 this area was used as the setting for "A Fistful of Dollars" and for several more spaghetti westerns after that. There is even a cine-tour of… Continue reading The land of spaghetti westerns

Photography, The Cork Board

The Alcazaba in Almeria ……and the HOGs

Most of us have been through airport security at least once since 9/11, and if you haven’t you’ve probably heard tales of tight restrictions and attention to detail. When it’s me in line, jacket is off, pockets emptied, belt and shoes in tray, ready to roll – no problem. So I do get a bit… Continue reading The Alcazaba in Almeria ……and the HOGs

Photography, The Cork Board

East Side Gallery, Berlin

Just back from a short trip to Berlin, of which I will post more later. For now though, this is an unashamed graffiti post. Photographs of graffiti are interesting in themselves but the art is of the graffiti artist. The East Side Gallery is the longest stretch remaining of the wall that once divided the… Continue reading East Side Gallery, Berlin

Photography, The Cork Board

Shoot, shoot, shoot………….edit like Hell.

Apparently there is a "pretty gene" within the gene pool of the people of Kerala which makes the men handsome and the women beautiful. I don't know whether this is true or not. This beautiful lady runs a shop in a beach side town in Kerala. I asked if she minded if I took her picture… Continue reading Shoot, shoot, shoot………….edit like Hell.