The Cork Board

The number of cookies eaten…

…by a gopher on a photoshoot is equal to the number of midges that encircle said gopher’s head when the rain stops. I know because I was that gopher, and descending the slope down to the fountain saw me subsumed into the itchy-est midge fest imaginable… and in killing time between duties, I ate too… Continue reading The number of cookies eaten…

The Cork Board

Oldie finds New Yorker – Shock

What did people do before the ageing process? Died, I guess. Nowadays, thankfully, a cornucopia of medication keeps us going and the advancing years can be gauged by the number of pill pickets you need to keep you healthy-ish.  I have my routine. I take three with my second coffee of the morning - it… Continue reading Oldie finds New Yorker – Shock

The Cork Board

The NHS is wired to an ECG.

Did we ever think that it would come to this? Probably not. The doom sayers are always too cautious. It’s only when you are up close and personal with the reality that you are hit the hardest. A friend of mine rose for his usual mid-sleep trip to the loo recently when, sober, the room… Continue reading The NHS is wired to an ECG.

The Cork Board

The Flower Business

In 2018 Mrs.Monkey and I set up our wedding and event flowers business. Energised by Mrs. Monkey’s desire to exit the corporate world and founded upon her competitive flower arranging experience, family “Do”s and her passion for flowers we launched ourselves into an unknown world. The division of labour was, and still is, strictly along… Continue reading The Flower Business

The Cork Board

“A Cow for Now” project – B.Kothakota

(The "Official" Post - with more details.) In 2008 Mrs.Monkey found herself with a lot of time on her hands courtesy of a redundancy package. To that point, having done school, uni, jobs and career, she hadn’t done the “gap year” thing. So what better time to take a gap year but in your 30s?… Continue reading “A Cow for Now” project – B.Kothakota

The Cork Board

Need some exercise?

There is a country where the Government has become so transparently corrupt that even the Law Courts are ruling against them. Explanations are being required for payments made to friends who had no experience in the field in question. They have also given themselves sweeping powers to pass laws without debate or the usual channels… Continue reading Need some exercise?