The Cork Board, World Music

Music to lift your soul

The Election Bit It feels like it hasn’t stopped raining since the beginning of October and still it goes on. The sky weeps for the state of the UK. I could say that words fail me,but they don’t. I am angry but measured. Those of us on the left are being encouraged to engage with… Continue reading Music to lift your soul

The Cork Board, World Music

Coke Studio …. Oh dear…..

Oh dear, oh dear. There I was, pregnant with anticipation for the arrival of the new Coke studio baby. I eagerly headed for Vimeo where the new child was cradled warmly. First track, starts interestingly enough -strong rock beat, some strings, punchy repetitive riff. Powerhouse rock'n'roll. More strings. Then guitar solo shredder. Wha? More strings.… Continue reading Coke Studio …. Oh dear…..

The Cork Board, World Music

Coke Studio Season 6 …. down from the fence ….

So, Coke Studio Season 6 is well into the second half of the run and I have deliberated for some time on my reaction to the new style. My mother used to say, “If you can’t say anything good don’t say anything at all.” Yorkshire Poet Ian McMillan lives by the same maxim. Creative people… Continue reading Coke Studio Season 6 …. down from the fence ….

World Music

Mr.Monkey is a Coke addict

....okay, I admit it. I’m addicted to Coke.......Studio, Pakistan. (My second World Music post, as promised.) I’ve talked about my love for this tv show before, but I’m allowed to re-visit it because it keeps delivering something worth talking about. The recent season is long over, and was, by most people’s measures I think, a… Continue reading Mr.Monkey is a Coke addict

The Cork Board, World Music

Yeah…..Coke Studio is back !!!

Some time ago, Munira, a regular in my cybergang, turned me on to Coke Studio, a rock/traditional/fusion music show in Pakistan with a post highlighting some fantastic music. Since then I've been hooked. I've trawled through all the past series and downloaded my faves. It's official, okay, no cheap scamming. Can you believe I was… Continue reading Yeah…..Coke Studio is back !!!