The Cork Board

The race for The White House – tales of love and loss.

So, it’s Polling Day again, nearly anyway. Don’t it come around quickly ! I’ve managed to avoid most of the campaigning news, apart from the headlines, and probably won’t get worked up about who wins or loses, though I do have a preference. I’m saddened and worn down by the realisation that through the last… Continue reading The race for The White House – tales of love and loss.

The Cork Board

…the circle is unbroken…

In 1969 I was 15. I was unexceptional. I liked the new music and hung with some hip friends. Well, we tried to be “hip”. I read Hermann Hesse, Tom Wolfe and Aldous Huxley – ordered my copy of “Rolling Stone” from the newsagents – tucked the “International Times” under my arm, strummed an acoustic… Continue reading …the circle is unbroken…

The Cork Board

Unashamed family friendly post.

The past week or so has been incredibly busy for us. I don't volunteer for much around here, Mrs.Monkey does that, so I keep my diary free because her volunteering usually involves my labour. So, even though I'm not particularly a church goer, I've erected Nativity tents and taken them down, helped arrange flowers at… Continue reading Unashamed family friendly post.

The Cork Board

New Years Eve

So, the time arrives and we have a house full of Hardings. I must find a collective noun for a group of “Hardings”. Perhaps a “dreckly”...yes, we have a dreckly of Hardings (they are Cornish) in the house and everyone is armed with their own glass. Food abounds.......(this dreckly comprises it’s own masterchefs for which… Continue reading New Years Eve