The Cork Board

Completely finishing…

Sometimes you get to be so busy that the passage of time goes unnoticed. Then, when you get to sit quietly, somewhere unusual perhaps (I still like to sit on the floor in a corner once in a while), you reflect on the water passed under the bridge.  In an attempt to reduce the list… Continue reading Completely finishing…

The Cork Board

Counting my blessings

I am a white male born in England, living in England. I grew up in a northern mining village where your career options were the steel works or the pit - above ground or below. I now live in the south west - not poor, not rich, cushioned, I would say. Some people call me… Continue reading Counting my blessings

Life's little lessons, The Cork Board

Who the hell do I think I am?

A couple of years ago I spent some time staring at a screen, scrawling and trawling through endless digital alleyways trying to piece together the story of the Ps. My family. As luck would have it, I have a reasonably unusual surname and as a consequence following a family trail, once I’d fixed on it,… Continue reading Who the hell do I think I am?

Life's little lessons, The Cork Board

Instant karma’s gonna get you…

We’ve arrived at Friday afternoon and I’ve been thinking what to post about for days. It could be cat related and that would be a winner. Yes, we have a cat who could rival the cuteness and loyalty of that one in the movie. (I’ve been out all day and he’s come to sit beside… Continue reading Instant karma’s gonna get you…

The Cork Board

Wanted:healthy dose of butt kicking

As I get older I have become more aware of how my body works and what works for it. I have the luxury, now that I no longer have full-time employment, of being able to wait out bugs that lay me low, for instance, when in the past I would have been forced to fight… Continue reading Wanted:healthy dose of butt kicking

The Cork Board

Get better connection speeds

It is Friday evening, it’s been a hard week, especially for Mrs. Monkey, who has muted the tv and crawled off to bed unusually early, to read, roll over, and recharge. The lights are down, the candles are flickering and I, true to form on such thoughtful, reflective occasions, have poured myself a wee dram… Continue reading Get better connection speeds

The Cork Board

Cracking on …………

I haven’t been blogging much in recent months. My cup runneth over such is the state of things. It’s as though a strange realisation came over me upon turning the magic 60 three and a bit months ago. I reflected on lots of things, happenstances and circumstances and almost felt an enlightenment. If you can… Continue reading Cracking on …………

The Cork Board

Is this the state of British Customer Service?

I worry about the future of British Customer Service. Our recent experience, one would hope, is unusual, but if we are not to complain and huff-and-puff how will things get any better ? All the following have happened during the last 6 weeks. No.1  Two identical curtain poles bought from Laura Ashley – One was… Continue reading Is this the state of British Customer Service?

The Cork Board

Will the circle be unbroken … ?

Do our lives go round in circles ? Long, looping cosmic arcs of connectivity ? Is there some cosmic prod going on from birth to death ? Is the world smaller than we think ? Maybe I should leave it there and let you ponder. Answers on a postcard or in the Comments below. I… Continue reading Will the circle be unbroken … ?