The Cork Board

The way the Cookie crumbles – a true story of English village life

Every dawn and dusk there is a squat old man who walks his dog as far as it needs to to relieve itself in front of someone’s house and then back again. This, I detect, is the extent of the daily exercise for both man and dog. Let’s call the man Arthur. Arthur’s contribution to… Continue reading The way the Cookie crumbles – a true story of English village life

The Cork Board

I did not have sex with that woman

The “No to AV” campaign leaflet from the Conservative Party dropped through our door last night. (Remember, this referendum is not about party politics, it’s about a fair voting system, I just mention that it’s from the Torys because it was headed up that way.) I thought it worth a little scrutiny, so let’s begin:… Continue reading I did not have sex with that woman

The Cork Board

Marxism………or one of the funniest men who ever lived……..

Wow, two posts in one day. Because this was fun to do and because Groucho received an honourable mention in my last post I thought I would trot out my favourite Groucho quotes, plus, a rare quote lifted from a radio snippet which I love. I understand the people of a certain generation don't get this.… Continue reading Marxism………or one of the funniest men who ever lived……..

The Cork Board

Ich bin ein Berliner !

(Caution: Long Post - if you're staying, thanks for reading..........Al) Fi works hard and I’m always encouraging her to treat herself (even though she’s just had a birthday) but I confess my surprise when she wandered off in the airport and came back with a new pair of Ray Bans. She routinely breaks or loses… Continue reading Ich bin ein Berliner !

Photography, The Cork Board

East Side Gallery, Berlin

Just back from a short trip to Berlin, of which I will post more later. For now though, this is an unashamed graffiti post. Photographs of graffiti are interesting in themselves but the art is of the graffiti artist. The East Side Gallery is the longest stretch remaining of the wall that once divided the… Continue reading East Side Gallery, Berlin